Where is the Festival located?

Coffman Park
5200 Emerald Parkway
Dublin, OH 43017

What are the 2025 Festival Hours?

Friday, Aug. 1 | 4 p.m. to midnight
Saturday, Aug. 2 | 11 a.m. to midnight
Sunday, Aug. 3* | 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.

*Festival gates open on Sunday at 9:30 a.m. for Sunday Services. Guests are encouraged to bring non-perishable food items to donate to the Dublin Food Pantry. Admission is free if entering before 11 a.m.

What is permitted?
  • Two sealed non-alcoholic beverages per person (up to a total of 1 liter)
  • EMPTY reusable water bottle (can be filled at complimentary water refill stations or with a beverage purchased on festival grounds)
  • One small insulated soft-sided cooler, no larger than standard 6-pack size (6” x 8” x 5”) per person.
  • Folding chairs (without canopies)
What is not permitted?
  • Alcohol
  • Bikes, rollerblades, skateboards, hoverboards, etc.
  • Fireworks of any kind
  • Tents and canopies
  • Glass bottles
  • Hard-sided coolers
  • Soft-sided insulated bags larger than standard 6-pack
  • Peddling or soliciting and the distribution of handbills inside the Festival
  • Pets of any kind except working dogs and registered Celtic Canines
  • Smoking under tents or in a building on Festival grounds

All bags will be subject to search upon entry to Festival grounds.

Any item deemed a nuisance or dangerous must be removed upon request.

Rules are subject to change.

May I bring a chair?

More than 7,500 chairs are available for guests under tents and at stages. Guests may also bring folding chairs (without canopies).

May I bring food or beverages?

Guests are permitted to bring up to two sealed non-alcoholic beverages (up to 1 liter) per person. Glass bottles are not permitted on Festival grounds. Guests may bring one small insulated soft-sided bag, no larger than a standard 6-pack size (6” x 8” x 5”) per person.

Is there a place to refill my water bottle?

Water bottle refill stations are located near the Northwest Food Court, Darts and Sports Pub and the Pot O’ Gold Playland to provide free, clean and safe drinking water.

Are pets allowed?

Pets are NOT allowed. Service animals and the dogs participating in the Celtic Canine demonstration area are allowed on the Festival grounds. A service animal is defined as one that is trained to perform work for a person with a disability. You may be asked if your animal is a service animal and what tasks it is trained to perform. You do not need to provide documentation of your animal’s status as a service animal, nor is it required to wear a vest. Your animal must be leashed unless that interferes with its work. It must always be under your effective control.

May I exit and reenter the Festival?

Same day re-entry to the Festival is available. Guests will receive a hand stamp to re-enter.

What is the curfew for kids under 18 years old?

Minors under 18 years of age who are unaccompanied by a parent or guardian will not be allowed on Festival grounds after 9 p.m.

Is the Festival wheelchair accessible and are wheelchairs available?

The Dublin Irish Festival is wheelchair accessible. It takes place in Coffman Park, which contains areas of grassy terrain that may be more challenging to maneuver. The Festival is accessible via sidewalks and streets with curb cuts.

Free wheelchair rentals are available at the Information Tents located near the North, East and Southeast entrances, and at Festival Operations inside the Dublin Community Recreation Center. A photo ID is required for rental. A limited number of wheelchairs available.

What should I do in the event of an emergency?

Call 911.

In addition, First Aid stations staffed by Washington Township Fire Department can be found at the Southwest, North and East entrances.

What should I wear?

Be sure to check the weather prior to coming to the Festival to determine appropriate attire, but most importantly, be sure to wear comfortable clothing and shoes. For the fair-skinned Irish lads and lassies, don’t forget a hat and lots of sunscreen!

Where are ATM's located?

ATM’s and reverse ATM’s are available on Festival grounds. Please refer to the Dublin Irish Festival App or map for locations. The majority of the food and beverage locations are cashless. Guests are encouraged to use credit/debit cards. Guests may exchange cash for debit cards at the reverse ATMs. All major credit cards and beverage payment cards are accepted at the Beverage Tents. Food vendors may accept cash or credit cards.

Are baby changing and nursing stations available?

Baby changing stations are available near the East Entrance, North Zone near the Emerald Club, Wee Folk Crafts Tent, Pot O’ Gold Playland and in the Dublin Community Recreation Center.

Where may I charge my phone?

Charging stations are available near the Temple Bar Marketplace and outside the Emerald Club.

What do the Identi-Kid and Safe Space tents offer?

Caregivers may stop by an Identi-Kid and Safe Space tent to obtain a free wristband that displays the child’s name, age and parent’s phone number. The wristbands help security and Festival personnel to quickly relocate separated parents from their children. Make sure to take a photo of your child upon entering the gate so you have an accurate description in case it is necessary

These tents also serve as Safe Space Dublin locations, where those in personal crisis can get support. In an emergency, call 911. Tents are located near the North, East, Southwest and Southeast entrances.

Where are the information tents located?

Information tents are located near the East, North and Southeast Entrances. Visit the tents to learn more about the Festival, the Dublin area and for lost and found.

Is there a place for lost and found items?

Lost items may be turned in or retrieved at any Information Tent or Festival Operations in the Dublin Community Recreation Center. Guests may complete a Lost Item Form so they may be contacted if the item is found. All items are kept for one month after the Festival. To inquire about lost items, call 614.410.4545.

Is camping available on or near Festival grounds?

Motor homes and campers are not permitted on Festival grounds. You may park your motor home at the Metro Center parking lot during Festival hours, and take a free shuttle to the Festival. All vehicles must be removed from the parking lot at the conclusion of each day.

Alum Creek State Park
3305 South Old State Road
Delaware, Ohio 43015

Alum Creek State Park Website

Sunbury/Columbus North KOA
Porter Central Road
Sunbury, Ohio 43074

KOA Website

What do I do if I can't find my ticket?

If you are unable to find your online ticket, please visit this website.

Where is there a sensory area?

The sensory-friendly “Take-A-Break” space is inside the Development Building, located on the east side of the Festival, near Celtic Canines. This calming space is available for everyone’s use and includes sensory activities and equipment.

Is there a discount code for transportation to/from the Festival?

Visitors traveling to and from the Irish Festival may use a Lyft code to get up to $10 off their ride. The code will be available soon.

Learn more about the Safe Ride program.

How do I request a ticket donation for my community event?

To request a donation of Dublin Irish Festival tickets for your non-profit, fund-raising event, please fill out the online donation form: https://dublinohio.wufoo.com/forms/dublin-irish-festival-donation-requests/

Please note that we are unable to accommodate all requests due to the high volume. Once the form is submitted, it will be reviewed, and a response will be sent within a reasonable time.

Have a different question?

Email Community Events at events@dublin.oh.us or call 614.410.4545.